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Mahnaz Fatahzadeh

B.Sc., DMD, General Practice Residency certificate, University of British Columbia, Canada.

Title: Service-Learning Pathway: Two Decades of Experience with Oral Cancer Screening


Biography: Mahnaz Fatahzadeh



American Cancer Society estimates nearly 50,000 Americans are diagnosed with oral cancer this year and many with advanced disease succumb to death within 5 years or experience significant morbidity. Delayed diagnosis is the primary reason for poor medical outcome and both education and early detection considered key to improving survival rate. Service-Learning is a viable and effective strategy for engaging students in activities which benefit society and reinforce their classroom instruction. Last year marked 20th anniversary of our annual oral cancer screening event at the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine.

The goals of this service-learning program were to provide oral cancer education and screening for a high risk, underserved population, to strengthen diagnostic skills for detecting premalignant mucosal lesions, to promote community engagement and to foster a model for delivery of inter-professional collaborative health care.  Calibrated pre and post-doctoral student volunteers supervised by faculty staffed the operation. In recent years, the event included a health fair offering comprehensive education and/or screenings for diabetes, hypertension as well as breast, cervical, prostate and colorectal cancer by volunteer medical personnel.

In this study, we evaluated the perception of 20th anniversary participants using an IRB-approved survey.  The majority of respondants felt more confident in performing oral cancer screening after taking part in this event (81%) and rated the experience as fulfilling, clinically beneficial (95%) and conducive to future community engagement (86%).  Integration of service-learning programs in dental curriculum help reinforce didactic concepts through clinical exposure, advance spirit of voluntarism and promote inter-professional collaboration.